The Gen Z Idol - Patrick Bateman
Patrick Bateman is a fictional character created by author Bret Easton Ellis, and the protagonist of the novel "American Psycho." Bateman is a wealthy investment banker living in New York City during the 1980s, who leads a double life as a violent serial killer. His character has become infamous for his disturbing actions and thoughts, as well as his critique of the materialism and shallowness of the society he lives in. One of the most striking aspects of Patrick Bateman is his complete lack of empathy or emotion . He is a highly successful businessman, but beneath the surface, he is deeply disturbed and disconnected from humanity. His obsession with material possessions, fashion, and appearances is a reflection of his shallow and superficial view of the world, which he despises even as he actively participates in it. The violence and brutality of Patrick Bateman's actions are not only disturbing but also serve as a critique of the society in which he lives. The book ...